On behalf of the Japan Fluid Power System Society (JFPS), we are pleased to present the proceedings of the 8th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, held in Okinawa, October 25-28, 2011. It is my great pleasure that the recent results of research work and development on fluid power technology are published in the proceedings, which contain the information in 11 countries, i.e., 2 invited papers, 4 keynote lectures' papers, and 102 papers, presented at the symposium. The papers in the proceedings are very interesting and very valuable for fluid power technology. Initial screening of the papers was based on the abstracts. Each submitted full paper for the proceedings was reviewed by two reviewers in detail and published on the high grade. We hope that the proceedings will contribute further development of fluid power technology.

The technical papers presented by students were evaluated by reviewers for the Student Paper Award. At the beginning of the symposium, about 20% of the student applicants were nominated as finalists of the award. Through onsite review of their presentation, 5 award winners will be selected.

Finally we deeply thank all of those that contributed their time and efforts to ensure the proceedings and the journals of JFPS.

September 13, 2011

Kazushi SANADA
Chairperson of Paper Group, Executive Committee
The 8th JFPS International Symposium on Fluid Power, Okinawa, 2011
Professor, Yokohama National University